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I’m Not Ready to Sell Today, but I Need Your Advice

People think when they call a real estate agent to come over and look at their home, they have to be completely ready to go on the market and serious about selling. I think that’s why most sellers are a little hesitant to call me. They assume that if I come over to their home today, we’re going to sign contracts with the expectation of putting their home on the market next week. That couldn’t be further from the truth, and, to be honest, it rarely happens that way.

Most people don’t realize the time it takes to properly prepare for their home sale, so that’s why I appreciate it when a potential home seller calls me weeks or even months in advance. I prefer to begin the process as more of a consultant and sometimes it doesn’t make sense to rush into putting their home on the market. Many times they have questions about repairs and possible updates that need to be made in order to get them the most amount of money for their home.

Last week I got a call from a past client of mine. We actually met at their home back in 2019, two years ago, to discuss a list of things they could do to increase the value of their home. I believed at that time, it was their intent to sell in the Spring of 2020, but after the Coronavirus hit, they were both forced to work from home, so they put selling on the back burner. Now they are ready to sell their home and confessed the extra year gave them even more time to do some home improvements. Spending all that time at home has also given them a stronger sense of why they want to move (need more space) and even changed some of their wish list (better home office, better backyard, nicer outdoor space, etc). Another bonus is that I estimated their home price $30,000 higher!

My point is this. Please do not think I, or one of my agents, will pressure you into moving too fast or doing something you’re not ready for. Let’s just agree upfront that we are only coming over to give you some good advice and when you decide the time is right, then we’d love to help you. I agree this is a great real estate market and right now we can probably get you a very high sales price for your home, but there are many other factors that plan into this. Let’s just have a discussion; that’s all.

If you’re interested, please call or text Ron Henderson at 816-651-9001.

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